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The Uprooted Kitchen

4939 West Ray Road, Chandler, AZ 85226, USA
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The Uprooted Kitchen is a vegetarian food truck that offers a menu consisting of breakfast items, salad bowls, tempeh spinach, tomato basil, lentil curry, wasabi tofu, tu-nut, Southwestern kale, roasted portobello, kale quinoa, sandwiches, burgers, sushi, hummus platter, tacos, kids' meals, baked goods, and more. All salads are served with a house-made omega seeded cracker and a dressing made from scratch. Kids' meals include an entree, fruit kabob, mini cookie, and water. Raw, gluten-free and vegan options are also offered. Organic ingredients are used in food preparation. Credit cards are accepted.
4939 West Ray Road, Chandler, AZ 85226, USA
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